NeuroAeronautics: brain wave monitoring in the ‘Cockpit of the Future’.
A cockpit is a highly sensitive area, where attention and mental workload have to be optimized. Latest neurotechnologies, including EEG, can track brain activity and offer neuroadaptive solutions to limit cognitive interference for safer and better operational performance.
NeuroDesign: to perfect the symbiosis between a product and the user experience.
One of the key aspects of product strategy is to generate, identify and leverage insights that will provide the foundation to reach business objectives. Today, data generated through real time brain monitoring can accompany teams throughout the design process.
Neuroergonomics: towards a new paradigm of product design.
Neuroergonomics provides a multidisciplinary approach that merges elements of neuroscience, human factors, and ergonomics to study brain response to stimuli. The main goal is to utilise new types of neurotechnologies in order to create better symbiosis between a product itself, the human experience, and its environment.